Utilisation des représentations continues des mots et des paramètres prosodiques pour la détection d'erreurs dans les transcriptions automatiques de la parole


Recent advances in continuous word representation have been successfully used in several natural language processing tasks. This paper focuses on error prediction in Automatic Speech Recogni- tion (ASR) outputs and proposes to investigate the use of continuous word representation (word embeddings) within a neural network architecture. The main contribution of this paper is about word embeddings combination : several combination approaches are proposed in order to take advantage of their complementarity. The use of prosodic features, in addition to classical syntactic ones, is evaluated. Experiments are made on automatic transcriptions generated by the LIUM ASR system applied on the ETAPE corpus. They show that the proposed neural architecture, using an effective continuous word representation combination and prosodic features as additional features, outperforms significantly state-of-the-art approach based on the use of Conditional Random Fields. Last, the proposed system produces a well calibrated confidence measure, evaluated in terms of NCE.

31 ème Journées d’Ètudes sur la Parole